Beatrice 2 1920 990 (1)

Current offshore wind projects in Scotland

Listed below are all the current operational, under construction and in planning projects along with details of the developers.

Scottish offshore wind farms and project pipeline

Scotland currently has 10.2GW of projects at various stages of development all of which will be delivered before the new projects in the ScotWind and INTOG leasing rounds. These projects will make up the bulk of the Scottish Government's target of 11GW of offshore wind by 2030.

The offshore wind projects below identifies the lead developer(s), the capacity of the project in MW, the size of the turbine, their manufacturer and the total number of turbines (in brackets) along with their location in Scotland and the date they were commissioned. 

All of these projects, provided the Berwick Bank development project achieves its planning consent, will be operational before 2030 and will contribute 10.2GW towards our overall delivery of more than 45GW by 2035.

You can explore the project pipeline below for operational, under construction and in development projects. 

This page will be kept as up to date as possible with all the latest information on the projects being updated as soon as we have the information. 

Operational wind farms

Competed wind farms that are generating electricity. These include Robin Rigg, Aberdeen Bay, Beatrice, Hywind Scotland, Kincardine, Levenmouth, Moray East and Seagreen

Robin Rigg

  • Developer: RWE

  • Capacity: 174MW

  • Turbine: 3MW Vestas (58)

  • Substructure: Monopiles

  • Location: Solway Firth

  • Date Commissioned: 2010

Aberdeen Offshore Wind Farm

  • Developer: Vattenfall
  • Capacity: 96.8MW
  • Turbine: 8.8MW Vestas (11)
  • Substructure: Three legged jackets with suction buckets
  • Location: Aberdeen Bay
  • Date Commissioned: 2018

Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm

  • Developers: SSE Renewables, CIP and Red Rock Power
  • Capacity: 588MW
  • Turbine: 7MW Vestas (84)
  • Substructures: Jackets
  • Location: Moray Firth
  • Date Commissioned: 2019

Hywind Scotland

  • Developer: Equinor
  • Capacity: 30MW
  • Turbine: 6MW Siemens Gamesa (5)
  • Substructures: Floating spar type 
  • Location: Buchan Deep (off Peterhead)
  • Date Commissioned: 2017

Levenmouth Demonstration Turbine

  • Developer: Samsung Heavy Industries (now operated by the ORE Catapult as a test platform)
  • Capacity: 7MW
  • Turbine: 7MW Samsung (1)
  • Substructure: Jacket
  • Location: Methil, Fife
  • Date Commissioned: 2014

Kincardine Offshore Wind Farm

  • Developer: ACS
  • Capacity: 48MW
  • Turbine: 9.5MW Vestas (5)
  • Substructure: Floating semi-sub
  • Location: Off Angus coast
  • Date Commissioned: 2021

Moray East

  • Developer: Ocean Winds
  • Capacity: 950MW
  • Turbine: 9.5MW Vestas (100)
  • Substructure: Jackets
  • Location: Moray Firth
  • Date Commissioned: 2021


  • Developer: TotalEnergies (51%) and SSE Renewables (49%)
  • Capacity: 1140MW
  • Turbine: 10MW Vestas (114)
  • Substructure: Jackets
  • Location: Firth of Fourth
  • Expected commissioning date: 2023

Under construction

These projects are at various stages in the construction process and include Neart na Gaoithe (NnG) and Moray West.

Neart na Gaoithe (NnG)

  • Developer: EDF Renewables (50%) and ESB (50%)
  • Capacity: 448MW
  • Turbine: 8.3MW Siemens Gamesa (54)
  • Substructure: Three legged jackets
  • Location: Firth of Forth (off Fife coast)
  • Expected commissioning date: 2023

Moray West

  • Developer: Ocean Winds
  • Capacity: 850MW
  • Turbine: 10MW Vestas (85)
  • Substructure: XXL Monopiles
  • Location: Moray Firth
  • Expected commissioning date: 2024/25
  • Status - consented and CfD application pending

In development

These projects are subject to a scoping or planning application or are consented but not yet under construction. They include Seagreen 1a, Inch Cape, Pentland, Forth Wind and Berwick Bank.


  • Developer: TotalEnergies (51%) and SSE Renewables (49%)
  • Capacity: 576MW
  • Turbine: 16MW (36) - TBC but based on Section 36 amendment submitted 
  • Substructure: Jackets
  • Location: Firth of Fourth
  • Expected commissioning date: 2024
  • Status - consented but subject to Section 36 amendment application

Inch Cape

  • Developer: Red Rock Power
  • Capacity: 1008MW
  • Turbine: 14MW (72)
  • Substructure: Monopiles and Jackets
  • Location: Moray Firth
  • Expected commissioning date: 2024/25
  • Status - consented with CfD secured

Forth Wind

  • Developer: Cierco
  • Capacity: 30MW
  • Turbine: 15MW (2) demonstration turbines
  • Substructure: Jackets?
  • Location: Off Methil, Fife Coast
  • Expected commissioning date: 2024/25
  • Consented 

Pentland Floating Offshore Wind

  • Developer: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners (CIP)
  • Capacity: 100MW
  • Turbine: 10MW (10)
  • Substructure: Floating semi-sub substructures (Stiesdal Offshore)
  • Location: 6.5km off Dounreay, Caithness Coast
  • Expected commissioning date: 2024/25
  • Status - Scoping Report submitted

Berwick Bank

  • Developer: SSE Renewables
  • Capacity: 4160MW
  • Turbine: 16MW (260)
  • Substructures: Jacket Foundations with Pin Piles.
  • Location: Firth of Forth, 40km of East Lothian coast
  • Expected Commissioning Date: 2026/2027
  • Status - Section 36 application submitted

Leasing rounds

Find out more about the additional leasing rounds and floating wind in Scotland.

ScotWind Leasing Round

Information on the Crown Estate Scotland ScotWind leasing round sites and their developers

INTOG Leasing Round

Scottish Innovation and Targeted Oil and Gas (INTOG) leasing round map of areas and oil and gas assets in the North Sea