Survey and Inspection Subgroup

18 January 2024

Autonomous Robots and Vessels

Latest webinar from our Survey and Inspection Subgroup featuring an overview from our Co-chairs of funding sources applicable to the Subgroups focus area. This was followed by a presentation from L3Harris on trends in autonomous and robotic systems. This was followed by ecoSub Robotics who spoke about their 'robot swarm' project called SoAR.   


14:00 - Introduction from Subgroup Co-chairs Michael Ellis and Craig Davis looking at current funding opportunities for survey and inspection research and innovation. 

14:10 Presentation from Andre Fabik of L3Harris looking at knowledge and technology transfer from the defence industry

14:25 Presentation from Iain Vincent from ecoSub Robotics on their 'Squad of Adaptive Robots (SoAR)' project 

14:50 Q&A Session with speakers and Subgroup Co-chairs

15:00 End of webinar

Copy of slide deck including all the presentations ( PDF file)

Video recording of presentation and live input session.  

06 April 2023

Survey and Inspection Subgroup Inception Webinar

Introduction to Subgroup's Industry Co-chairs


Webinar featuring introduction to the Subgroup Co-chairs, Micheal and Craig and their companies along with a update from the Offshore Wind Growth Partnership looking at support for the survey and inspection field. The OWGP case study featured another DeepWind member, Sulmara Subsea.   

14.00 - Introduction and housekeeping – Jeya Calder, Highlands and Islands Enterprise

14.05 - New Co-chairs introduction – Paul O’Brien, DeepWind

14.10 - Introduction to Sonardyne – Michael Ellis

14.20 - Introduction to Rovco, - Craig Davis

14.30 – Offshore Wind Growth Partnership - Anil Sayhan, OWGP

14.45 – OWGP Case Study – Jim Gardiner, Sulmara Subsea

14.50 - Q&A Session

15.00 - End of webinar

Copy of complete slide deck for download (5.2MB PDF file, note this format is not fully accessible)

Video recording of presentation and live input session.


Our 119 member strong Survey and Inspection Subgroup was a new addition for DeepWind in 2023 and is led by our two industry Co-chairs:

Michael Ellis from Sonardyne

Craig Davis from Rovco

The webinars in this section are the work of this subgroup and focus on all aspects of surveys and inspections carried out for offshore wind for both fixed and floating wind. This includes all aerial, surface and subsea activities in this field.